
23 December 2008

Family Christmas 2008

So every year, for as long as I can remember, my Dad's side of the family has a Christmas party the Sunday before Christmas. It used to be a big event with cousins and cousins and cousins' cousins, a talent show, white elephant, and then every family would share what their big events were through that year. But as people have moved away and lives get busy it is much smaller now. Just my family, my two aunts and their families! We have dinner with soup, chips and dip (my favorite), and dessert and then we all just hang out and I of course take the family photos! And take way too many pictures of the babies (we missed Calleigh this year!) So... meet my family:

1 comment :

The Rex Family said...

Dang those are some CUTE kiddies! Love the pics! I love the group shot of all our us cuzzies... and totally HATE the pic of me with my bros and sis's! (funky hair...)! See you tomorrow sweet cheeks! Happy Christmas EVE!

all images copyright of heather wright, heathermarie photographie